경 (they/) works in EMS and as a leather harness maker living on Peoria, Potawatomi, Miami, Sioux, Kickapoo, and

Kaskaskia lands in South Side Chicago. Their commitments delve into community-led crisis & street herbalism,

liberatory practices of queer/trans care, and anti-imperial lineages of memory. They are a co-steward for Freedom Fighter Herbs,

a collective mutual aid effort intended to support the somatic wellness of local organizers, care workers, and folks who experience

empire-sanctioned violence. Their poetry appears in some places.


No, you cannot read my CV unless it is absolutely necessary

Yes, you can reach out to me about half-thoughts and ideas

email if/when ^ doesn’t work for you, and you have to enter it manually: uhhkyung@gmail.com

insta, though i probably won’t respond to you if you’re not my friend: @ssukguk


“Wasn’t this a foto website or whatever…?”

yeah i guess. foto-making is all about trust. after the deepest collapses in my life thus far, i am no longer making photographic and archival work as of 2022.01.26. i have not picked up my film camera since, and i do not believe this will change in the future. if you wanna talk about it, i'm open. that is, depending on your intentions. do not enter this conversation with me lightly.

a brief note to all the people who used to make with me: all images made together and delivered to you in some form, especially images with your likeness / portrait, belong exclusively to you. i will not be further editing or publishing them on this website or anywhere in the world, physical or digital, without your direct & explicit consent. you own that archival, so you may choose to do with it whatever you wish. thank you for believing in something with me in their making, however fleeting.